Monday, 23 April 2018

Opening the discussion

Dear participants in this project

I have made this blog for us all to share our ideas on how to help students to gain competences in
sustainable waste management in Russia and Kazakh HEIs. I invite you to share your teaching methods that you are happy about and which have worked well in engaging students. Obviously all online learning examples are valuable since we are building an online program. Use this blog as a discussion forum and post questions and problems as well where other participants might have answers and solutions.

Whenever you post something, use labels to help others find your post even later. This blog always has the most recent post at the top of the page.

Finally, let me share with you a few thoughts about onlinde pedagogy. Digitalization has brought about more possibilities for everyopne to create content. Our students may very well be much more knowledgable at this than we are. So, the new pedagogy is more about students investigating, finding information and creating content themselves rather than having it all spoon fed by the teacher. However, this calls for new skills such as critical thinking, media literacy, ability to analyze, compare and combine information from different sources, collaborating and giving and receiving feedback.

Teachers do not need to create all teaching material from scratch but they can collect, classify, modify and refine materials made by others and available online. From a pedagogical point of you it would be important to let students practise information search and compile the teaching learning material together with students.