Thursday, 11 October 2018

Introduction example

Live long learning - it is about me!
Now I am in Tampere University and very happy. Two weeks we study with project partners different E-learning tools: Socrative, Padlet, Canva, H5P and etc. We will use all the tools to prepare an online course. The picture shows an example of using Prezi for introduction teacher. 
We have great teachers: beautiful and clever Sisko, hardworking and smiling Evelina, intelligent and calm Jarmo, lovely and scrupulous Ella. We want to thank teachers for the informative and useful workshop.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you could then ask your students to introduce their small group using prezi or any otehr tool they choose. That would be a good team building and collaboration activity for them, working on a shared pesentation online.


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